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Medicaments (Meds) are one-use items for reducing pain, trauma and depletion levels of the Seedling they are administered to. They are nearly always used in Treating injuries.


Obtaining medicaments

There are no blueprints available for meds yet, but they appear in large amounts at sharepoints, under the "Components" tab.

Using medicaments

To use a medicament on yourself, click on it in your Assets window, then select the "consume" icon in the pie-menu. To administer the med to another Seedling, click the Seedling, then select "target" from the pie-menu, then click the med in your Assets window and click "consume". Make sure you aren't targetting anyone before using the med if you intend to use it on yourself!

Medicament descriptions

"Shot" medicaments

"Shot"-type medicaments are used to instantly removing a certain amount of pain, depletion or trauma from the recipient. They are used during treatment to get these leveis into active ranges of medical tools' functions, or to eliminate sub-effects of injuries

Name: Lung shot
Description: Aerosol spray containing nano-carbon pellets loaded with pain-reducing hormone systems. Will penetrate through lung tissue and bring overall relief and numbness. Also known as "Thick Lips" or "Chest Number".
Treatment: 18 image:pain.png
Base value: 34

Name: Fluid bone shot
Description: A first or last resort for broken bones. Contains mendgel, a bone-wrapping gel that will seek out any bones in injection area and coat them with temporary stabilizer.
Treatment: 28 image:trauma.png
Base value: 82

Name: Antiseptic whiff
Description: Lightly antiseptic, refreshening and stimulating. Keeps a lid on toxic shocks
Treatment: 10 image:depletion.png
Base value: 11

Timed medicaments

Timed medicaments relieve pain, trauma or depletion at a slow rate while active. They are used after treating injuries for recovery or in order to keep the injuries from getting worse and spawning sub-effects.

Name: Tranq chew
Description: Contains a cocktail of soothing hormones and synthetic opiods. Mild overall analgetic effect. Also known as a "Comfort stick" or "Take five"
Recovery: 1image:pain.png per minute
Active time: 15 minutes
Base value: 11

Name: Tissue booster
Description: Contains crafted short-lived algae helpful in boosting tissue regeneration for a short time. Often used in treating burn wounds. Also known as the "Green patch"
Recovery: 1image:trauma.png per minute
Active time: 30 minutes
Base value: 45

Name: Adrenaline kick
Description: Also known as "Damage Controller's Best Friend" or "Jaw Rattler" due to the sometimes unpleasant muscle contractions associated with use. Contains a light mix synthetic noradrenaline and adrenaline to increase performance temporarily
Recovery: 1image:depletion.png per minute
Active time: 15 minutes
Base value: 11
Warning! Adrenaline kicks are known to cause addiction! They are to be used carefully!

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