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Unlike the cumbersome Factory Machines, Tools are the portable items Seedlings carry around for a variety of tasks, predominantly repair jobs and sample grabbing.


Each tool has up to four Functions, each of which has a specific interaction tied to it. The basic tools have only a single function, but more complex tools are more versatile. For instance, the Heavy Welder:

Heavy Welder - Heavy Duty Repair Tool for Structural and Mechanical Damage

Function Effect Requirement
Angle Grinder repairs 16 Structural damage points Adv. Engineering L2
Arc Welder repairs 14 Structural damage points / causes 2 Electrical damage Adv. Engineering L3
Soldering Laser repairs 12 Electronic damage points Adv. Electronics L1
Welding Torch repairs 12 Structural damage points Adv. Engineering L1

Beta Note: When Seedlings are able to develop custom blueprints, functions will completely configurable. Currently, there are function components available for purchase such as the Wire and Jumper Kit, which repairs electronic damage, but not as a single item. These function components must be integrated into a Tool.

Update: Basic E-Kits has been given out by the devs! With some luck, there should be a couple left at the local Sharepoint.

List of Tools

The current List of Tools.

Personal tools