Patch Notes Apr-2006
From Seed
April 2006
The official patch patch notes for April 2006 are located at
April 3, 2006
- Rings: Ring functionality up again after changes to data format. As mentioned earlier, you will have to re-create old rings. Some features are not done yet, e.g. descriptions for rings, but leave/promote/ringchat etc. should work. Note that a short version of the ring name is shown on character mouse-over.
- Character creator: Pressing "Enter" in the name field will create a character instead of giving an error message.
- Signposts: The Pathfinder signposts now show directions to nearest zone.
- Repair: Activating a repair function now properly starts the repair cycle. It does not stop when that repair is done - you have to click on the function again.
- Text widgets: A clipping bug is fixed, so text widgets (story log, chat log, etc.) now display properly.
- Database: Some database updates made to prepare for wearables. No game effects yet.
- Graphics
- LabSpace: Fixed "open" damage holes. It should now no longer be possible to get the camera outside the world though damage holes. If you manage to slip out through a damage hole, please report it as a bug.
- note : This is NOT the implementation of a new camera collision. Slipouts may still occur in other places.
- LabSpace: Fixed Cargo Lift. Lift now no longer runs through zone borders. It is now a telescopic lift. It *should* no longer randomly and partially disappear. If it does, please report.
- LabSpace: Closed a few gaps in hallways. There might still be more though. Report them when you find them.
- LabSpace: New cargo loading system in Silo. Unaccessible to players, but at the silo top, you will notice cranes designed to bring cargo to Labspace.
- RecSpace: Fixed some missing geometry in Double Stairs Zone.
- RecSpace: Fixed "open" damage holes. It should now no longer be possible to get the camera outside the world though damage holes.
- RecSpace: Fixed a problem around Lockerhalls zone change, with some wall segments that belonged to the wrong zone, causing the camera to slip outside occasionally. If you manage to slip out through a damage hole, please report it as a bug.
- note : This is NOT the implementation of a new camera collision. Slipouts may still occur in other places.
- RecSpace: Fixed tree crowns going through the walls into the garden hallways.
- Canyon: CanyonB modelled and vertex painted. CanyonA, CanyonE, TubeCentral vertexpainted. Various pathfinder fixes.
- General: Optimizations to textures. Should result in faster loading, smaller assets, and general better handling of graphics.
- Optimized some meshes by instancing them. Should improve general graphical performance, as well as produce smaller assets.
- LabSpace: Fixed "open" damage holes. It should now no longer be possible to get the camera outside the world though damage holes. If you manage to slip out through a damage hole, please report it as a bug.
Known Issues
- Sharepoint: When retrieving from a sharepoint, the object retrieved does not appear in the open Assets window. Workaround: Close the asset window and re-open.
- Priority Vouchers: Ordering a priority job updates the number on a voucher to 0, but the voucher is then broken and might crash your client.
Workaround: It should work to log out and log back in, but we recommend NOT ordering priority jobs at the moment!
- TAU: On mouse-over, the clamps and label for TAU are displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen. Workaround: None - you can still interact with TAU and use the pie menu entries.
- TAU ring view: When looking at a ring through TAUs ring view, members are shown with a "<Not showing status>" text or similar. Workaround: None. This will later show online status for rings you are a member of.
- Repairs: If you have activated one function, you might have to click on the function label to stop this function before you can activate another function on this tool. Wait for a bit to make sure the first function has stopped.
- Radlocks: Entering a radlock often crashes your client. Workaround: Log back in - wait until the graphics are fully loaded before moving around.
- the cargo lift in Labspace Silo, might still (partially) disappear.